What We are currently doing

  • Provision of affordable short healthcare courses.
  • Sponsorship of students to colleges and universities
  • Provision of internship and attachment opportunities.

Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Our Goal

Our Strategic Focus

Dr. Robin Mogere has been actively involved in practicing medicine for the past 30 years and holds an
MBChB from the University of Nairobi and an FRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburg.

He previously worked at the Coast General Hospital and Taita Taveta District Hospital. He studied at Guys Hospital for Surgical Training and Specialization, before proceeding to the University of Nairobi as a Lecturer in the Surgery Department. Mr. Mogere has tirelessly served as a board member in the following institutions; Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board, The Nairobi Hospital, and has been the Chairman as well as a board member of the Metro Group PLC since its inception.